A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How 'bout Some Music?

I am told that children have active imaginations. Judging by the proliferation of names around this house, I am going to say yes to that.

Annalee has now referred to her father as: Prince Steven, Eric, Grampa, Brother, and at least one other term of fantasy and endearment that I wish I could remember.

She has referred to her mother as: Queen, Sister, Lacy, and at least one other term of fantasy and endearment that I wish I could remember.

She currently prefers to be known as Genevieve and, sometimes, Princess Genevieve. Woe be unto you if you call her "Annalee" at the wrong time.

Yesterday, when a friend of hers was having a down moment, Annalee put on her lullabye CD for the two of them to listen to when the two of them were alone in Annalee's room. (The friend had been told that she and her folks would have to leave soon and didn't want to go.) Of course, putting the music on was just a friend being a friend, but it's not something I remember doing when I was three and a half.