A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Talk To Me

The sounds baby makes are music to my ears, the happiest music I’ve heard. I love watching the curl of her upper lip as she produces staccato squawks and warbles, seemingly unfazed by the bewildering complexity of operating her own vocal cords.

Her eyes, too, are an active part of the effort to communicate, peering out toward her listener with all the intelligence of the best conversationalists. And in the process she makes sleeper jammies look pretty sophisticated – so much so that I’m shopping online these days for sleeper pajamas that come in sizes for mom, dad, and baby. If I fail to find any that please, as looks likely now, I’ll add it to the list of products someone should be making a profit from.