A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Big Lonely Nap

This afternoon, baby had her longest nap in weeks without spending some of it on my chest. While I dozed in the guest room, next to the nursery, she bagged two and a half hours of sleep – and woke visibly refreshed. By and large, she’s a light sleeper. I’m pretty sure she knew I was nearby during the long nap, and that if I’d been anywhere else in the house she wouldn’t have slept as long. The other thing that may have helped the cause of a good, long nap: temperature. When I concentrate hard on how much blanket, if any, to put on her for the given conditions it makes a big difference. But for all my success in getting her to nap, I missed having her warm form on me in the guest room.