A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Absolutely Fine

The sub-division where we live has a playground, which is a good thing. There's a multi-slide with some glorified monkey bars, but no swing set. During our first several months here, Annalee and I were frequently the only ones at the playground (not always, but often), and the vibe there could be a little desolate. Well, not only have the bluebonnets and other wildflowers sprung up on all the open patches of ground in our neighborhood, but other little kids and their parents (OK, their moms) have suddenly appeared at the playground. What was a low-level bummer (not that we never had fun there) has started to become the kind of community-builder that we dreamed it would be.

Daddy made a salmon dinner tonight and had all kinds of opinions about how chef-like it seemed. In the end, the one food critic whose opinion really matters (the one still cutting teeth) had enough happy mouthfuls that I realized the fare must have been absolutely fine.