How Can He Walk That Baby in This Cold?
I did finally bring baby into the snow-covered world that our town became over the weekend. We went for our afternoon constitutional along the seawall. Though I’d bundled her up in an incredibly warm item given to her by a family friend, and though I know she tends toward hot rather than cold, I only took her for about a third of our normal walk, fearing the reprobation of some unknown passerby. “How can he walk that baby in this cold?” That sort of thing. Meanwhile, when I got back to the truck and took baby and her car seat out of the stroller and put them into the vehicle, she was warm as an oven under her super-coat (and its attached gloves, sleeper feet, and hood). This is all to say that, though I know I know better than strangers what my baby needs, I fear what strangers will think about how I’m parenting her. And I hope I grow out of it. Most of it, anyway.