A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Pink Dress

We took our beloved to a grownup, non-family party for the first time tonight, a friend’s surprise 40th birthday. When everyone hushed for the guest of honor’s arrival, baby hushed right along with us. She’s good at reading situations that way. Though we’d worried how she’d handle an evening of – for us – intense socializing, we shouldn’t have. She was a vision in her pink party dress and had smiles and bright eyes for everyone she met.

Big Day Outside

Today, for the first time, baby saw live chickens and ducks, took her first ride on a baby swing, took her first ride down a slide (with some support), and took her first ride on a grownup swing (on daddy’s lap). I cannot verify that she was impressed by any of it, but I can predict that before long one of these activities will emerge as her favorite. Winter is officially over.