Halloween Aftermath
Baby has officially developed a sweet tooth. It didn’t take much, just a few pieces of chocolate over the course of a few days. Though the family kept no refined sweets in the house for over a year, we broke down at Halloween. Now when baby sees colored foil she assumes it’s chocolate – and that if she fusses long enough she’ll get a piece. We’ll eradicate the sweet stuff as best we can, as soon as we can, and then reprise our efforts to produce a child who likes the occasional maple-syrup-sweetened blueberry pancake and honey-sweetened dessert but who doesn’t need the frequent jolt of sugar our culture makes seem “normal.” She went on her first play date today (with mommy). The word is that she and Jacob, her elder by a month or two, had quite a tête-à-tête, completely unintelligible to anyone other than themselves, and completely meaningful to the two of them.
All three of her pairs of soft-bottomed leather shoes are more worn than I would have ever believed. How she treasures them!