A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Me see?

Annalee has her catch phrases, and I'll do my best to catalogue them as of today:

1. "Daddy, whatchoo doin'?" (Asked at all times of the day, a good reminder of the relative significance of things.)
2. "You make this?" (Asked when a particular food has resonated with her, frequently after a bite has been savored and her head nodded.)
3. "Upstairs" (Said as many times as necessary to convince Mom or Dad, or both, to go to the second floor, generally Mom and Dad's room, for food or TV watching, or both.)
4. "Me see?" (Said a few times a day to indicate interest in being shown whatever Mom or Dad are looking at the moment, from an image to a book to the contents of a diaper.)
5. "No talkin'!" (Said every other day or so to indicate that someone has been conversationally ignored long enough.)