A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I hadn't put baby in her sling for three months until today, and when I did she had quite a reaction. She nestled right in, and looked around her like she used to, if with somewhat more awareness. When I tried to take her out of the sling, fearing that she would be cramped or possibly hot in there, I really learned how much she yearned to be in her safe spot. Which is to say that she cried the moment I tried to remove her, as though in physical pain. We solved that by putting her right back in and walking around the house until she was tired enough to take a little bottle of formula and start her nap. The main reason we hadn't been putting her in the sling in our new environment was the heat; but even with our moderate use of air conditioning she was fine today being carried across my chest and stomach. And I swear she has been glowing ever since.

Still Laughing

Baby, like her parents, has gone through three to four months of above-average stress. Selling a house, moving cross country, and shopping for a new house (twice) have all made for a challenging period. That she has danced, laughed, read books, played with the dog, played three-dimensional, rotational peek-a-boo, and generally been a happy camper during just about this whole time remains remarkable, and admirable, to her father. How I hope that all of this difficulty has been worth it and that, soon, we will know stillness, calm, and peace. And, if not, I hope we keep laughing like hell.