A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bottle-feeding blues

Alright, cranking up the blog after a long hiatus. I had determined, once Annalee reached a certain age, that I was arguably compromising her right to an anonymous life when I wrote about her here. That might have been a good decision, or I might have been over-thinking. Probably somewhere in between.

What's new, you ask? Baby number two is the glorious, transcendent Rell, whom we welcomed to our family two months ago and change. I'm having to start her on a bottle a little earlier than I did Annalee, as my lovely wife has less time off from work than she did in the Ocean State.

How's the bottle-feeding going, you ask? Not so well. Or, let me put it another way: Probably the greatest challenge of my life so far. My beautiful, sweet, brown-eyed baby doesn't want the bottle when she's hungry, and she doesn't want to try it when she's not, and she doesn't want to try it when she's in-between. She doesn't want it. She expresses this by turning her head, pushing her legs off whatever's near to move herself away from the bottle, batting the bottle hard with her right hand, crying to the point of screaming, etc.

Additionally, she can't really be put down. So, what I have is a baby that most would describe as "colicky." For reasons that I can easily understand, my wife doesn't really love that word, and doesn't think it applies in this case. What I believe is that she has, through a combination of insight, willpower, and a physical endowment that I lack, been able to see our girl through some real hardship.

Labels and diagnoses aside, I need help. I need help slowly and methodically inducing Relly Belly to take a bottle. The sense that I am water-boarding my beloved baby is KILLING me. So, I need tips. Not ideas, not theories -- tips. Thanks in advance.


Blogger eridink said...

Have you tried at Rell's best time of the day with Kim out of the house? Our midwives said the Mom HAS to be out of the house for quite a while. Also try different nipples with different sized holes and a very hungry Rell. That's all I have - I nursed Lucas for 10 months during which he took one bottle - he was pretty insistent about his preference, but he had the option. Giovanni tried, but I don't think we were committed enough. That's all I have. Hugs...

9:07 AM

Blogger Harold Ambler said...

Thanks, Erin. We've been experimenting, for sure. And I know that this will pass. The very hungry suggestion is one that's out there in some Internet discussions and also in at least one book I've read. In our case, so far, the greater hunger has led to greater upset and greater aversion to the bottle.

10:37 AM


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