A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


At one year and ten days old, baby’s vocabulary remains pretty limited. She has said versions of the following words: dog, mom, dad, nonnie (grandma), and Jesus – but that’s about it. My wife asked today if I was concerned that baby hadn’t added that many words to her list of late, and I said I expected a day would come when we would look back on her question and laugh.

Baby continues to show interest in climbing anything that can be climbed – people, furniture, stairs. If it goes up, she’s interested. I’ve made a point of teaching her how to climb down backwards from all of her conquests, and she manages to do it just about all the time, turning around and holding a foot over the breach, lowering it until it touches the floor and then maneuvering her body the rest of the way down with a plop or a gymnast’s landing, depending on the situation. She is always thinking, and now that she is walking you can see her think more than ever. More on that tomorrow.


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