A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Healthy in Every Way

At baby’s one-year check-up she was determined to weigh 19 pounds, one ounce; to measure 29.5 inches; and to have a head measuring 18.75 inches in circumference. To this last, the nurse doing the measuring said, “Wow!” The doctor, once he had examined her, said she was normal in her development, healthy in every way. It is amazing what good news that is. We celebrated with fine Mexican food at our favorite downtown Austin hang-out. Baby then took one of her longest naps in a while and has been wide-eyed and happy ever since. We’re hoping she’ll be sleepy by, say, midnight. But does it matter?


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