A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Half as Charming

Baby made a handful of new friends at dinner tonight. Hoping for the impossible, we went to a local restaurant that has changed hands five or six times in the last seven years. The new owners run a cute Italian restaurant five miles away, but it might as well be a thousand and five miles, and the impossible did not take place. Nonetheless, a wide array of people responded so joyously to baby that we managed to have a very pleasant dinner. Baby pulled pieces of soft white bread away from the crust and put them in her mouth one by one, drank from a water glass, made goo-goo eyes at the maitre d', and smiled winningly at just about everyone at the surrounding tables. I aspire to be half as charming as she is.


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