A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Baby Loves

Baby loves dancing to music (including just the sound of one of her parents clapping) on her knees and on her feet, playing hide-and-go-seek with her dad around corners of the house and big pieces of furniture, eating tiny pieces of food from her mom’s plate, riding on the swings at the park, playing rodeo on either her mom’s or her dad’s back (with a careful cowpoke hovering nearby), playing with the cordless phone and the remote control, walking while mom or dad holds her hands over her head, sipping water from her mom’s water glass, turning her own sippy cup upside down and draining the water onto her high-chair tray and then playing the drums with her hands into the water, singing along when her dad plays the guitar, crawling over to her dad when he’s playing the guitar and giving him a hand (or two), crawling around in the family bed, looking out the second-floor windows, and being read to.


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