A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

On to the Land of Words

Baby has yet to voice much of what we're pretty sure she knows. She'll say a word, or part of a word, from time to time. More often, though, she'll point or grab one of our index fingers and drag us toward what she wants us to see and focus on. So, it came as some surprise yesterday when she was able to answer a few questions. "Where are your ears?" mommy asked. Baby touched them. "Where is your nose?" Baby touched that. "Where is your mouth?" baby touched it. "Where are your feet?" Baby touched her feet. Soon, it seems likely, we'll be in a different world, verbally speaking. But yesterday we entered a magical part of the forest that will get us to that world.


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