A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Buddha Goes Shopping

Baby and I made our first trip to Babies R Us as a duo. I learned in the parking lot that, unlike at our grocery store, baby’s car seat doesn’t attach to the shopping cart. So, baby had her first-ever ride in a shopping cart with her legs through the holes, like a big girl. She did fine standing still, and on straightaways, but needed some minor assistance from dad going around the turns. As always, she was alert, calm, and curious, her true Buddha self.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember the first time i tried to use the cart like that with my little girl. she looked SOOO small in there but did really really well. It's weird though, the first time doing it, I felt like she was going to fall out...

- Jon
- Daddy Detective
- www.daddydetective.com

12:31 PM


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