A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Father and Daughter, Unplugged

I made a lot of noise near the onset of this blog about raising baby in a TV-free realm. Close readers over the past several months may already have figured it out, but for everyone else, here’s my confession: I’ve had the tube on every day, at least part of the day, since my first day watching baby. My justification was simple. I had Lyme Disease and deserved the “rest” that TV afforded. At any rate, today I got through one day without the squawk box. And, at the risk of being predictable, it was the most connected day that baby and I have enjoyed. In fact, I am even more tired than usual this evening as I write this, but (a) it’s worth being more tired for the kind of day I had today and (b) some of the exhaustion may owe to doing editing work during baby’s naps instead of grabbing a nap myself the way I usually do.

My goal before turning in to bed 30 minutes from now: Not judging myself into smithereens for ruining my baby’s childhood with the tube up to now.


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