A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Paper Pages

Richard Scarry's "The Best First Book Ever" is at the top of the reading list at our house. Though it contains a couple of dozen pages, Annalee finds the first two-page spread to be entertaining enough to tarry for fifteen minutes or so (before putting the book down again until next time). Her eye and mind are drawn to the cat driving a pickle car, a doggy policeman on a motorcycle, and, especially, a baby cat being pushed in a stroller by its cat mom. "Baby, walk," Annalee says. "The Best First Book Ever" is not her first book with non-cardboard pages, but it is the first such book whose pages she has seen fit to leave unbended.


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