A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


A certain someone by the name of Annalee has some pretty curly hair. (It's also pretty.) And it has come to my attention that brushing this out every day might be a good idea -- nothing involved, just a minute or two. It turns out that I brushed my sister's hair quite a lot when we were little kids. She may have been the reason that the No More Tangles product line was invented, and was profitable. Little Annalee, so far, tolerates my efforts to attend to her hair needs. Even when I hit a snag (I hold the hair to keep it from being yanked reasonably well, but I'm not perfect), she sits calmly and lets me finish. I, of course, intend for the experience to be as pleasant as possible for her, and so far as I can tell she understands.


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