A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nature's Little Victory

My daughter rolls her eyes to the upper right in a manner I have only seen done by two other people: my sister and my niece. When my sister did it during our childhood, I assumed it was a hallmark of her personality and nothing else. When my niece started to do it, I assumed my sister had taught her along the way. But neither of them has had the opportunity to teach baby, unless it happened during a weeklong vacation at Christmas when baby was five months old (which I find doubtful). So, this amazingly expressive facial habit, employed by baby to add emphasis at the breakfast table or lunch table or dinner table, is, so far as I can tell, genetic. For someone such as myself, preferring as I do to lay a lot more at the feet of nurture than at the feet of nature, it is a humbling little detail.


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