A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Quite the Traveler

On behalf of my baby and my wife, allow me to say Aloha from Hawaii. All the pre-trip jitters now appear like phantasms in another person's story, as baby has thrived on the airplane on both long travel days, and thrived even more here on the Big Island. Her laughs and squeals of delight have gone from thirty a day to probably twice that, bathing as she is in the love of her parents and of her aunts and uncles and grandparents. After a few false starts, she allowed her mom to lower her into the pool up to her waist late this afternoon. With every inch of deeper immersion her laughs got louder, and her eyes wider. Halfway submerged, mild looks of apprehension flitted across her face and we decided to quit while we were ahead, congratulating her on her courage and good humor.

She has a clear sense of being away from home -- a pint-size portion of relaxation and lightness that is a pleasure to witness. How blessed we are to be here.


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