A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

New Friend

Christmas was celebrated early with baby’s great-grandparents, owing to our approaching trip to the West Coast and Hawaii. My wife’s grandparents are in the vicinity of 80 and served a surf-and-turf dinner that my wife has loved all her life. After some penny poker that my shy, retiring wife dominated, gifts were exchanged, and that’s where baby comes into the story. My assumption had been that receiving a gift, as baby did tonight, was too complicated an interaction for the wee one to understand. Mais non! In fact, the lifelike doll that she helped unwrap induced her to open her eyes in wonder and smile with real enthusiasm. I told Non and Pop to take a good look at the bright pink hue of the doll now, for baby will most likely be bringing her new friend everywhere she goes.


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