A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Brown and Blue

Baby’s eyes, when she was born, were a mix of brown and dark blue that I hadn’t seen very often. As her mother’s eyes are brown, and her father’s green, it was no big surprise to see brown being dominant in the small genetic gene pools of baby’s eyes. The pediatrician told us that her eyes would stabilize in color within six months and, as we move through the fifth month, it looks to us that they haven’t changed color much, if at all. In certain lights, still, a deep blue rim surrounds the brown irises and gives them a bluish tint and seeing this makes me glad. I’m glad to see my family’s coloration represented, even so faintly, in baby this way. My own eyes were sky-blue when I was born and, between the age of five and seven, they went to a shade of green that I’m told resembles kiwi fruit. My mother’s eyes were sky-blue when she was born, went to green during her early girlhood, and then back to sky-blue when she was in her late forties! She is the only person I’ve ever heard of to undergo such a change so late in life. It is not impossible that my own eyes will return to sky-blue, however unlikely. Baby’s eyes will be called brown by most who see them for all her life, I’m confident. And, like her mother, she’ll wear her brown eyes well.  


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