A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Monday, October 23, 2006

In a Way She Had

Baby went to the car dealer with daddy today. Dad tried to sound knowledgeable talking to the technicians, and baby looked around at the cars on the lifts and seemed a little uneasy. I showed how her car had been lifted, high enough to see underneath it and to make right, theoretically, what was not yet right. The day brought further real estate stress, further teething stress. It also brought a couple of jaunts in baby’s new black-and-white cow-themed shoes, which seemed to serve her ably. Before leaving the house for baby’s favorite, pizza, mommy asked her to go get her sweater and baby came back with the little striped cardigan in her hands with the glee of someone who’d located the holy grail, which in a way she had.


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