A stay-at-home-dad offers thoughts on the joys and sorrows, and everything in between, of fatherhood.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Near-Miss on Communion

Baby, for the sixth or eighth time in her life, came to church today. It was a little shocking to see how tall baby was compared to the last time she had been in the building.
As for her attentiveness, she listened some, wiggled some, played with the missalette, and crawled down the aisle before being retrieved by her mom. She went with us, in her mom’s arms, when we joined the line for communion. The priest offered her the bread first, but she didn’t open her mouth. The priest smiled, blessed her, ate the wafer himself, and went back to feeding his flock.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need more clergy w/ senses of humor!

7:05 AM


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